The Blog
The Table :: Our Story
As one of 15 church plants supported by Acts 29 West for 2018, they put together a pretty incredible video that tells a bit of our story, who we are, and how God is working in/through our young church plant to be "the flourishing presence of Jesus in every sphere of life!"
As one of 15 church plants supported by Acts 29 West for 2018, they put together a pretty incredible video that tells a bit of our story, who we are, and how God is working in/through our young church plant to be "the flourishing presence of Jesus in every sphere of life!" Enjoy!
Video :: Vision Night (Part 3) - Cultivate Beauty
On July 17th, 2016 we tried something risky and unheard of: we hosted and facilitated a robust conversation between two people with wildly divergent ways of seeing the world. Part of the vision for The Table is to be a community where "you don't have to believe in order to belong," and our good friend Chris Eastment joined us to talk about how he (as an atheist) shares that same vision... for a church.
On July 17th, 2016 we tried something risky and unheard of: we hosted and facilitated a robust conversation between two people with wildly divergent ways of seeing the world. Part of the vision for The Table is to be a community where "you don't have to believe in order to belong," and our good friend Chris Eastment joined us to talk about how he (as an atheist) shares that same vision... for a church.
Many thanks to Mike Morter of www.mnafilms.com for the outstanding videography!